Job responsibility:-To assist in the procurement department which includes procurement of material for the various ECS departments as well as managing the suppliers. Also, manages and maintains the inventory and ensures timely retrieval of items from it whenever required.~ Processes the purchase requests from various departments and prepares briefs for the suppliers.* Invites quotations from the suppliers and negotiates with them to ensure ECS gets the best price for the required material.& Selects or recommends the supplier in accordance with the ECS Delegation ofAuthorities and Policies and Procedures.& Maintains a database of suppliers and updates the same regularly.& Monitors the performance of the suppliers and gives ratings to them.& Prepares LPO and forwards the same to the supplier. Also, sends the bills to the Finance department and ensures timely payment of the same.& Maintains documentation for the various purchases made by ECS.œ Maintains a record of the prices of various items and updates the same periodically.* Ensures the delivery of the required item is done by the supplier on time and as per specifications.& Issues items from the inventory on rent to the exhibitors and raises invoice to him.~ Maintains assets in the inventory and controls the issue of items from the same.& Conducts periodic physical verification of the inventory and updates the records accordingly.